Explore SF State

Saturday, April 20, 2024
Event Time 09:00 a.m. - 02:00 p.m. PT
Location San Francisco State University
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Explore SF State is an event held each year on SFSU campus, during which prospective students and members of the community are welcome to learn more about what our university has to offer. Departments throughout the university showcase their majors, minors, and extracurricular programs. This year, students who solved a scavenger hunt could be awarded prizes from departments throughout the Liberal Arts College's many departments. The International Relations Department provided information about our undergraduate and graduate programs, as well as our many minors, which focus on different areas around the world. Professors Ellis, Volk, and Siegel were in attendance.

Professor Ellis speaks to a student at the International Relations Department table, which features globe-shaped balloons and flyers. Professor Volk stands nearby, speaking to another family.
Professor Volk stands behind the International Relations Department table, gesturing enthusiastically while speaking to a visiting student and parent. The table features globe-shaped balloons and flyers.

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